25 February 2010

shelly says there's always a reason

it's the year of the tiger, which means:

OX: 29% (2 favorable and 10 unfavorable months)

You could have a measure of good luck this year...On the other hand you might as well be prepared to face some challenges. Tiger style is not conducive to your peace of mind. This is not the time to march forth boldly into battle heedless of the consequences. You will have to pick your fights and show much restraint if you want to be successful overall. You are only likely to have two great months this year; make sure to take advantage of the opportunities they provide. The rest of the time you need to tone down your efforts and press ahead carefully with ongoing projects.

err....maybe i should stop reading the internetz. TWO favorable months? it's NOT time to march forth boldly?!

this just after i declared this year's theme: shit or get off the pot. i'm already marching forth boldly, dammit! sorry, tiger, no can stop.

extreme successes, glorious failures.

i found my bike key, finally...and lost my debit card.

becca intuition forecasts a lot of similar trades to come. so maybe in the end i'll come out even.

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