16 February 2010

two man stories

the other day i went to flair tacos for lunch. it's not that good, but it is the closest place to work. the thing that makes it less good is that it's somehow supposed to be a burlesque taco truck and i have never seen anything burlesque happen there. Fully clothed middle aged men always serve me. once i ordered a veggie taco with beans

and the man said, "you know the beans are cooked in LARD."
me: "okay. fine."
him: "in fact, probably all beans you've had were cooked in LARD."
me: "that's fine. i want them."
him: "so NOT vegetarian, eh? cooked in LARD. not as healthy as you think. *mutter mutter* all vegetarians trying to be healthy with their beans."
me: "i want them! i don't care! i only have a half hour lunch break! give me the lard beans!"

anyway, i digress...

despite flair taco's failure to provide burlesque and lard-free beans (not to mention rancho bravo's superior food quality and closerness to my house), i really wanted to tell a story about a different, nicer (also fully clothed) man i met in line the other day. he was old. with that nice wispy old man hair that i really like on old men. so we were in line and we both spotted a penny on the ground at the same time.

him: "oh, a penny!"
me: "oh, and it's heads up!"
him: "that's good luck."
me: "you should pick it up."
him: *chuckle* "oh no, i already have good luck. you should take it."
me: "mmm...actually, i've been having pretty damn good luck myself."
him: *wink* "well, we'll leave it for someone else."

so we did.

i saw another heads-up penny in front of my house on the way to the bus stop today. it's still there, if you're interested.

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