29 October 2008


october is orange, anxious, and shifty. especially shifty.

i keep trying to zoom out, zoom out, zoom out, but for some reason i can't. i'm here, stuck in it. i'm not sure if this makes me fully present or fully trapped.

the other night i stopped by the pet store on my way home and spent $43 on accessories for my hermit crab. i remodeled her crabitat and installed a salt water pebble pond in the middle. then i bathed her, watched her eat a chunk of dehydrated apple, and encouraged her to move into the pink shell if she's going to switch anytime soon. she only cost $4, so at first it seemed ridiculous. but babies are the same way: free to make, expensive to maintain.

love makes us crazy.

1 comment:

Malinda said...

I like this entry.

What's your crab's name?