24 October 2008

the after party

all i can do is make lists in my brain. when i'm showering or waiting for the bus or packing chocolate spooky skulls or riding my bike. i think of all the things i need and want and wish i could do. and then when i finally have access to a pen, they're gone.

you know when you're talking to someone and completely lose a thought and the person with whom you're talking says, "well if it's important, you'll remember it eventually"? no. i disagree. i've lost a lot of important thoughts forever. such as said brain lists.

or maybe eventually just hasn't happened yet, and all these brilliant (really, they're brilliant) thoughts are hanging out together in some forgotten corner of my head and the day will come when i find out how to access that part of my mind...that day will sure be intense.

meanwhile, i've been living the seattle young adult social dream of going to shows, shows, and shows. by monday i'll have gone to three in one week, which is probably more than i've gone to total since i've moved here. and speaking of being hip...when i've gotten dressed lately i no longer find myself able to wear colors and skirts and layers. i wear dark clothes. and pants. no color. and i'm wearing what i want to wear. this disturbs me.

the next show i'm going to is yelle, french electropop, tektonic. here it is:

my housemates and i are determined to learn how to dance like this by the day of the concert. we practiced tonight in our living room. i think the reason we were unsuccessful may be that we don't have sneakers that pump. we need pumpable sneakers.

lastly, i found out that someone i respect and admire also accidentally set fire to her blankets in a candle incident recently. it gave me hope.

i'm so very sore, but i can't stop dancing.

1 comment:

Renai said...

it's all in the hips!