27 August 2008


oh, bother. i realize that i have been a complete negative nancy in most of my recent entries. this has caused unnecessary worrying from my readers about my health and well-being. re-reading my posts has made me think, "whose poor, sad life is this?" i assure you, though i'm still completely fucked up on oxycodone and vicodin, i have been taken care of and abundantly loved by the amazing people in my life these past few weeks. worry not!

some highlights:

-all of my housemates and i cuddling in gavin's bed last night, listening to story time on npr.
-renai visiting with delicious vegan treats and the best movies i have ever seen.
-sarah jayne and stacy making cheesy potato casserole and bringing midwest love and company.
-gavin watching hours and hours of movies with me, even though i slept through them all.
-sara buying me a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
-a sleepover with my housemates and my favorite cat every night in zelda's room.

tomorrow my vacation/recovery ends. back to the chocolate factory. mmmmmggghhhhh...

things that are bizarre when you are on pain meds:
-picking out paint colors for your new house at the hardware store
-sitting in a coffee shop, trying to look and act normal even though the walls seem to be closing in rapidly and the art looks alive...

today liz t. and i decided to be ms. frizzle for halloween. we are both going to be ms. frizzle, from different episodes. this replaces our original idea of going as thelma and louise.

zelda and i finally fixed my road bike last week. it is just sitting in the honeybucket, begging to be ridden. i feel super proud and motivated to learn more more more!

hmm...hopefully my next post will be written drug-free.

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