21 February 2009

our last sunny day for a while

according to weather.com, at least. two websites i should never trust, but always do: the weather channel and webmd symptom checker. i really need to quit them...

speaking of quitting, this is day 8 of my month-long cleanse (please take this opportunity to congratulate me on an entire week of self-control by leaving a supportive comment below. thanks.): no alcohol, no smoking, no sugar (fruit excepted). i also went to the hippieherbnaturopath store yesterday and a very nice employee helped me choose a cleansing tea that i spent many hours preparing. sara says it has the same herbs in it used in diy abortions, but so far i've found no google evidence to support this. anyway, i just had my first cup. we'll see!

yesterday i was about to tie a ribbon around some woman's 6-piece confection box and she said, "oh, and it's for our son. so can you choose a masculine color." i looked at her with a puzzled expression. "um, sorry, i don't know what you mean." she's like, "you know. just anything but pink." i continued to look confused. "oh? i guess i didn't think that pink wasn't a masculine color. huh." she looked at me like i was an idiot. ha. i wonder what makes a woman who thinks pink is feminine also think that ribbon can be masculine to begin with. i should be wrapping her sons box with...god, i don't know. snakes and snails and puppy dog tails. or something.


lars said...

wrap that shit with beef.

Shana said...

Why are people dumb, do you think? Hey, read this guy's Yelp reviews: http://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=9h1nRWISb6tdpzMwSDYMDg