06 November 2008

the kindness of strangers

1. out of thousands of people in the crowd tuesday night, i ran into bruce who loaned me a dollar so i could buy a cream cheese hotdog from the street vendor, which is the only thing that could have brought me true joy tuesday night. while people mobbed around us chanting "O-BAM-A!" the girl behind me in line was screaming, "no mustard! make sure you get mine with no mustard, i hate mustard!" to her boyfriend, who was in front of me line.
2. shana, who is especially concerned with zombies right now, just said, "the obama supporters move like zombies."
3. the man who gave us a ride up to the ferry invented a temperature-controlled shirt for racecar drivers to wear. guess you only really need one good idea...
4. clyde was going to make us carry lumber in exchange for a ride into town. his friend talked him out of it.
5. the bar was a collision of worlds. collision. of. too. many. worlds.
6. we slept in a room of beds. a huge bed for everyone. like a fairytale. brad snored. his snoring made it into my dreams about zombies. my friends were zombies. i had to kill them. the next morning brad made us the most delicious breakfast.
7. we were soaking wet. so many people passed us before one picked us up. we ducked into the only open place, in which the nicest, most motherly woman on the face of the entire planet was waiting with bowls of clam chowder for us. she called us her "almost snow bunnies."
8. we walked up and down the line of cars waiting for the ferry, but nobody was going to seattle. we made a sign that said "need ride to seattle" on the boat. no takers. we discussed what to do if zombies attacked the ferry. we decided it depended on whether they were walking or running and what kind of weapons we had. finally jason was going to seattle. jason smoked lots of camels and we listened to the firewater album twice. i haven't had to pee that bad in a long time. i was actually squirming. like a little worm.

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