11 September 2008


trying to decide whether or not a drunk adult skating party is a brilliant or terrible idea. last night i voted brilliant; felt like all middle school dreams finally realized. well, nearly all. this morning i change my vote, especially after peeking in the mirror at my matted down, aqua-netted hair, smeared hot pink lipstick, and smudged green eye shadow (indirectly related to skating...was 80's-themed party, duh) on my way to kitchen to rehydrate brain.

also terrible idea: eating dairy products thrice yesterday.

hmm...can't think of other bad choices at the moment. this is a good sign, no? off to have my stent removed! hoorah!


Malinda said...

I vote brilliant. I was on the line, until I read that it was eighties themed. Then my vote was decided.
(much like Palin pushed me over the line for the election- but then again, there's still time for me to change my mind again).

I do hope there are pictures.

I also hope to be part of such an event someday. Pity Seattle is so far away.

Renai said...

I just want you to know that I am judging you right now.

<3 <3 <3

April the Friendly Ghost said...

I was there. It was brilliant. We should do it again. You looked fabulous!