since i'm terrible at trivia, my team mate suggested that i look up some random wikipedia articles. good idea. this is from the article on "blah":
Some people use "blah" as a code[citation needed], such as in morse code - "blah" being a dash, "blahblah" being a dot, and "blahblahblah" being a space.
see, i didn't know that. i wouldn't have known that. who makes up useless things like this anyway? that's ridiculous. the next random article that came up was about posthumous sperm collection. after that i stopped reading. if these topics come up during trivia night, i will probably leave.
after wasting my time browsing wikipedia, i made myself a grilled chese sandwich with swiss and tomato on rye and some lemonade. and i practiced my saw while i waited for my sandwich to melt. i can play the south african national anthem and the office theme song.

one sad-ish thing, then i'm done: i don't usually like children, but sometimes kindred spirits take the form of all ages and there's nothing you can do about it. for instance, sne is a 3-year-old zulu girl living in rural south africa. we couldn't understand a word the other said, but we spent a lot of time together and everybody knew we belonged to the same soul group. we told each other a lot of important things in our respective languages. once i asked her older brother what she was saying and he mumbled something about elves dancing in the forest. i will never ever forget the last moment we looked at each other, even though sne probably has already. it was one of the most heartbreaking moments in our lives, like when when will and lyra have to go back to their own worlds in the amber spyglass.
ha. sne was just going to be an example to introduce what i really meant to write about, but now i don't want to talk about anything else.
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