13 April 2009

moon blood

Full Moon Menstruation

The full moon is vitality: time to work changes, to make decisions, to show one's power, to bring something into being, to work politically. Noontime heat spreads in waves across the sky, fiery energy at its peak, streaming power evoking earthly blooms.

The energy of full moon menstruation is outward, world-nourishing. You have to be a real bundle of energy to be happy and satisfied with your work under this charged condition. Feasts and celebrations go well with full moon bleeding. During this time, the most powerful magic can be worked and influence exerted. The volcano already pours forth; the ire need only be controlled and directed. Now is the time to learn to transform energy: turn rage into creative action, belly cramps into sensuousness. -http://www.drakenenergie.nl/moontime.htm

...yup. sounds about right.

does anyone know anyone who will teach me to read natal astrological charts in exchange for a hula hoop or chocolate or saw lessons or a hug? this would be a perfect situation for the timebank. last week, i thought that our idea had already been done locally at dibspace.com, but it seems set up for people with small businesses who trade professional skillz...timebank is for everyone and values skillz that aren't traditionally valued.

so many projects, so little time...

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