19 April 2009

life's maximum generosity

hardwick's swap shop is an amazing local hardware store that's filled wall to wall with useful and non-useful junk. they have employees named loyd who wear suspenders and flannel shirts and huge beards and sell t-shirts that say things like "i got hammered at hardwick's."

things i have purchased from hardwick's:

-wire mesh to make my papier mache hermit crab shell for my halloween costume
-an oven mitt for the hermit crab claw
-hula hoop connectors and tape
-a saw on which to make music
-mason jars
-an empty wire reel for 50 cents on which to hang my hula hoops
-a flask

nothing for its intended purpose except the flask, which was in the impulse buy section by the register, between the inspection mirrors and shimming wedges. a $4.50 impulse buy while we waited in line for the people ahead of us to buy muffin tins.

summer is getting closer and people are getting crazier. it's a blur of hula hooping and cherry blossoms and college kids and karaoke and a late night picnics by the canal and awkward birthdays and thinking about how i can sleep another time in life...now is the time to be tired.

i know i'm writing about this shit a lot, but my free will horoscope was amazing this week:

What I'd really like to see you do in the coming weeks is party harder and party smarter than usual. In my astrological opinion, you're most likely to attract life's maximum generosity by shedding some of your social inhibitions and cultivating the pleasures of free-form networking. Believe me, I know how important it is for you to maintain the kind of strict boundaries that protect you from being overly influenced by other people. It's what keeps you in close touch with your intuition. But for the foreseeable future, I think you'll thrive on the unexpected blessings that come from giving yourself to the intelligence of the crowd.

ha! this is a bit late. i don't think i can party any harder than i have been and i've had enough "unexpected blessings" to hold me over for a while...

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