31 March 2009

sun nap

not a lot to report.

shana and i are getting chickens in the city soon. thanks seattle free school! we are also quite busy with wahoooolahoops and our new business idea: creating a seattle timebank. there is much to be done.

oliver is sitting on my arms as i type, making it rather challenging to type, but so worth it. seriously. everything he does is cuter than the thing he did before.

the only other thing i have is this, from feministing:



Malinda said...

I kind of like the timebanking idea. Though I probably would rather just give my time for nothing in return, but i get and appreciate the concept.

Are you getting real chickens? Sigh... people here have chickens, and, more specifically roosters. I hate roosters in the city. They are noisy and irritating. I understand, and again appreciate, the usefulness of poultry. I just wish the entire neighborhood wasn't awake at 5am. :( Could one only have hens?

becca said...

in seattle, it's illegal to have roosters, so yes, one can and will only have hens. it's probably illegal there, too. you should look into it and call the police.

haha, it's nice of you to want to give your time for nothing. timebank's goal is to redefine currency though, so there's no worth in money :) receiving someone's gift is important to. it makes it so there's no unequal power dynamic.

Anonymous said...

No money, no masters!

Was that video supposed to be funny? Because it definitely wasn't. Feminism is no laughing matter. What exactly is funny about equality again? ROARRRR!