09 March 2009

just think of lovely things


i decided to end my cleanse early. because it felt done and empty and pointless finally. continuing for the sake of continuing felt unnatural.

i never felt physically different, but it made me think more about being intentional, thinking before i act, how much money i spend on happy hour, and how many things are just in my head. and i'm sure my liver, kidneys, and lungs thank me (you're welcome, organs).

i just took my first yoga class in two years, which kicked my ass in the most wonderful way.

i bought plane tickets for my midwest vacation in may. i'm terrified to go home. i'm pretty sure that everyone is exactly the same as they were in high school. a six-year time freeze. and i'm a completely different person. a better person than i was, in my opinion, but ohio is not the most welcoming place for hairy legs and liberal politics.

i'm doing so many things. i feel great. and exhausted.

1 comment:

Corryn said...

I'm from Ohio, but I can deal with your hairy legs and absolutely LOVE your liberal politics.

And I now live in Indiana, which is even less accepting of both.