so here he is, the third cat of my lifetime. also the third orange tabby in my life, following amanda miss kitty and halexander the great (aka hal). rip. and now, world, i proudly present *v. long trumpet fanfare*......oliver t. cat:

he's lurking around curiously now...i want him to love me and sleep with me. taking it slowly...
in other news, dobs came to visit last week. it was as if we'd never been apart. we frolicked around the city and got spontaneous tattoos! lunar eclipse:

hmm. i'm thinking i should probably put oliver's litter box in a more private place. i just watched him poop again and he turns his back to the people in the room and kind of buries his face shamefully in the fireplace. and i, proud new mother, am thinking how adorable it is and what a good 'lil pooper he is and awwww, look how he buries it when he's done even that's cute everything you do it hopelessly cute...
and because i just figured out how to email myself pictures from my cell phone about ten minutes ago, here's another random photo for your enjoyment.

an oil drip i saw in the parking lot months ago. beautiful, tragic.
1 comment:
hey that's my boyfriend's name! oliver t. cat. :)
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