not a lot to report.
shana and i are getting chickens in the city soon. thanks seattle free school! we are also quite busy with wahoooolahoops and our new business idea: creating a seattle timebank. there is much to be done.
oliver is sitting on my arms as i type, making it rather challenging to type, but so worth it. seriously. everything he does is cuter than the thing he did before.
the only other thing i have is this, from feministing:
31 March 2009
27 March 2009
six mamas
guess how i woke up this morning? guess!....if you said, "an adorable 'lil kitty peeked his adorable 'lil head in your door and let out an adorable 'lil 'meow'", you'd be correct. any other guesses: wrong.
so here he is, the third cat of my lifetime. also the third orange tabby in my life, following amanda miss kitty and halexander the great (aka hal). rip. and now, world, i proudly present *v. long trumpet fanfare*......oliver t. cat:

he's lurking around curiously now...i want him to love me and sleep with me. taking it slowly...
in other news, dobs came to visit last week. it was as if we'd never been apart. we frolicked around the city and got spontaneous tattoos! lunar eclipse:
hmm. i'm thinking i should probably put oliver's litter box in a more private place. i just watched him poop again and he turns his back to the people in the room and kind of buries his face shamefully in the fireplace. and i, proud new mother, am thinking how adorable it is and what a good 'lil pooper he is and awwww, look how he buries it when he's done even that's cute everything you do it hopelessly cute...
and because i just figured out how to email myself pictures from my cell phone about ten minutes ago, here's another random photo for your enjoyment.

an oil drip i saw in the parking lot months ago. beautiful, tragic.
so here he is, the third cat of my lifetime. also the third orange tabby in my life, following amanda miss kitty and halexander the great (aka hal). rip. and now, world, i proudly present *v. long trumpet fanfare*......oliver t. cat:

he's lurking around curiously now...i want him to love me and sleep with me. taking it slowly...
in other news, dobs came to visit last week. it was as if we'd never been apart. we frolicked around the city and got spontaneous tattoos! lunar eclipse:

hmm. i'm thinking i should probably put oliver's litter box in a more private place. i just watched him poop again and he turns his back to the people in the room and kind of buries his face shamefully in the fireplace. and i, proud new mother, am thinking how adorable it is and what a good 'lil pooper he is and awwww, look how he buries it when he's done even that's cute everything you do it hopelessly cute...
and because i just figured out how to email myself pictures from my cell phone about ten minutes ago, here's another random photo for your enjoyment.

an oil drip i saw in the parking lot months ago. beautiful, tragic.
24 March 2009
hey, baby
oh blog. you poor, neglected old thing.

first of all, this got me real fired up. so the idea is that you see a john solicit a prostitute, you go to this here website, and their pictures are posted for the world to see. many strong feelings. one: this is all happening in my old neighborhood in south minneapolis, where one could be solicited wearing layers and layers of winter clothes.

seriously. so my senior year was dedicated to studying prostitution and restorative justice in my neighborhood. there's some fucked up shit going on. they used to do this same thing with prostitutes, putting their pictures and bios online for all to see. and some local community organizations already posted pics of johns even before this billboard campaign...they are only supposed to be up for a few months, but when i was researching this for my project, i found photos up from years ago...
i have really mixed feelings about everything, but whether or not these men should be publicly shamed, it doesn't stop keep them from lurking around and picking up street prostitutes. it doesn't. it's a revolving door.
so i volunteered for this community restorative justice program, MCRJ. i also have mixed feeling about this. the women who runs it is super rad and the concept behind the program is that johns can opt to go attend the panel and instead of jail time/fines/pictures up on the internet, they do community service in the community where they offended, go through an education program, receive counseling, build a support system, etc. most people who have gone through the program don't repeat offend after a year, which is not the case for the traditional punitive system.
my mixed feelings come from concern for the women on the streets and the motivations of people who volunteer for the panel. this neighborhood in particular, which is one of the most diverse in the city, has become pretty gentrified in the past few years. of course most of the panel participants are white middle class folks whose main priority is to stop prostitution because they don't want prostitution in their neighborhood....if it moves somewhere else, that's fine. which means as the neighborhood becomes more monitored and the johns are pushed out, sex workers are going elsewhere for work. they're avoiding places with lots of police surveillance, trying to get the job done quick, with less time to negotiate safety and money, which usually means a more dangerous deal for them.
anyway, what do people think? i could ramble on and on and on if you want to discuss it further...
other things on the "i will blog about you when i have energy" list: visits from old friends, new ink, new cat, chickens in the city, possible new housemate, ferry carnivals, a circus, and a house blog. whew.

first of all, this got me real fired up. so the idea is that you see a john solicit a prostitute, you go to this here website, and their pictures are posted for the world to see. many strong feelings. one: this is all happening in my old neighborhood in south minneapolis, where one could be solicited wearing layers and layers of winter clothes.

seriously. so my senior year was dedicated to studying prostitution and restorative justice in my neighborhood. there's some fucked up shit going on. they used to do this same thing with prostitutes, putting their pictures and bios online for all to see. and some local community organizations already posted pics of johns even before this billboard campaign...they are only supposed to be up for a few months, but when i was researching this for my project, i found photos up from years ago...
i have really mixed feelings about everything, but whether or not these men should be publicly shamed, it doesn't stop keep them from lurking around and picking up street prostitutes. it doesn't. it's a revolving door.
so i volunteered for this community restorative justice program, MCRJ. i also have mixed feeling about this. the women who runs it is super rad and the concept behind the program is that johns can opt to go attend the panel and instead of jail time/fines/pictures up on the internet, they do community service in the community where they offended, go through an education program, receive counseling, build a support system, etc. most people who have gone through the program don't repeat offend after a year, which is not the case for the traditional punitive system.
my mixed feelings come from concern for the women on the streets and the motivations of people who volunteer for the panel. this neighborhood in particular, which is one of the most diverse in the city, has become pretty gentrified in the past few years. of course most of the panel participants are white middle class folks whose main priority is to stop prostitution because they don't want prostitution in their neighborhood....if it moves somewhere else, that's fine. which means as the neighborhood becomes more monitored and the johns are pushed out, sex workers are going elsewhere for work. they're avoiding places with lots of police surveillance, trying to get the job done quick, with less time to negotiate safety and money, which usually means a more dangerous deal for them.
anyway, what do people think? i could ramble on and on and on if you want to discuss it further...
other things on the "i will blog about you when i have energy" list: visits from old friends, new ink, new cat, chickens in the city, possible new housemate, ferry carnivals, a circus, and a house blog. whew.
09 March 2009
just think of lovely things
i decided to end my cleanse early. because it felt done and empty and pointless finally. continuing for the sake of continuing felt unnatural.
i never felt physically different, but it made me think more about being intentional, thinking before i act, how much money i spend on happy hour, and how many things are just in my head. and i'm sure my liver, kidneys, and lungs thank me (you're welcome, organs).
i just took my first yoga class in two years, which kicked my ass in the most wonderful way.
i bought plane tickets for my midwest vacation in may. i'm terrified to go home. i'm pretty sure that everyone is exactly the same as they were in high school. a six-year time freeze. and i'm a completely different person. a better person than i was, in my opinion, but ohio is not the most welcoming place for hairy legs and liberal politics.
i'm doing so many things. i feel great. and exhausted.
i decided to end my cleanse early. because it felt done and empty and pointless finally. continuing for the sake of continuing felt unnatural.
i never felt physically different, but it made me think more about being intentional, thinking before i act, how much money i spend on happy hour, and how many things are just in my head. and i'm sure my liver, kidneys, and lungs thank me (you're welcome, organs).
i just took my first yoga class in two years, which kicked my ass in the most wonderful way.
i bought plane tickets for my midwest vacation in may. i'm terrified to go home. i'm pretty sure that everyone is exactly the same as they were in high school. a six-year time freeze. and i'm a completely different person. a better person than i was, in my opinion, but ohio is not the most welcoming place for hairy legs and liberal politics.
i'm doing so many things. i feel great. and exhausted.
03 March 2009
to be autotrophic
would take more than just drinking liquid chlorophyll, it seems. adrian gave me a glass of it. it tasted like an emerald. i sat directly in the sun on my break and concentrated as hard as i could, but i was still hungry.
but this man hasn't eaten in 70 years. he is free.
i'm no yogi, but i've maintained my cleanse for 20 days. so i'm getting there slowly.
but this man hasn't eaten in 70 years. he is free.
i'm no yogi, but i've maintained my cleanse for 20 days. so i'm getting there slowly.
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