03 July 2008

crisis momentarily resolved

i have never been so happy about rain in seattle as i am right now! it actually thunderstormed last night. the thunder actually woke me up when i was sleeping and the air smells deliciously of summer rain instead of the usual seattle-overcast-stink. mmmmmm....

always true to my zodiacal tendencies, i suddenly feel at peace about life, despite my existential crisis two days ago. ha! or maybe it's because i received birthday checks in the mail and don't have to worry myself sick about paying bills this month. yes, now that i think about it, my financial status probably has significantly more power over my mood swings than the cosmos. not because i'm greedy, but because i'm severely poor.

in other news, my business manager/brilliant housemate with whom i share a wall created a blog for our hula hoop small business. check it out (sorry you have to copy and paste; i can't figure out how to post a g.d. link even though i seem to be following the directions...): hulahoopseattle.blogspot.com
personally, my favorite line is "hula hooping is part of our dna as humans!" it's true. it's really, really true. however, i still feel torn about making a profit from hula hooping. i want it to be accessible to everyone and not...commodified. on the other hand, as noted above, i'm severely poor. gah! ethical dilemma!

is it just me, or has my writing really lacked depth lately? in general, i feel like i've been avoiding intellectual stimulation and processing heavy, emotional ideas. at work, i just do what needs to be done without thinking about it much. i try to be present when i can, but as soon as it's 5:00, i find other things to distract me. ohh, did i tell you i am learning to slackline? so far, i can just balance in the middle for about 10 seconds, at best.

anyway, current life strategy: busy self with hobbies, hobbies, hobbies to avoid despair.

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