14 May 2010


my favorite thing from the store comment box today. i want you all to really think about this and take it personally:

i like your style. thanks for being here today.

mercury report: personally, my distaster preparedness was fairly effective. i lost my keys once for a few hours. and had a few communication hiccups. it was everyone else who seemed to have a shitty time. sicknesses, stress, family deaths...bad things. but it's over. for the time being.

of course, plenty of good things happened. babies wearing eggplant hats. leading a giant group hokey-pokey. dancing around an illegal firepit for beltane. napping in my overalls on a boat. freckles emerging. april teaching me the best way to eat a strawberry (which i've been telling everyone). drag kings. grilled pineapple. the stuff summer's made of...

i just had a high school gal job shadow me. me!? i wonder if she really aspires to be a retail manager. she doesn't seem super passionate about...anything, actually. she asked me what i would do differently if i could start my career path over again. i said, more or less, "mmm...aside from my student loans. nothing. geez. i'm happy with my life."

i'm happy with my life!! maybe i'm just giddy because it's sunny and warm out or because we did all those hip openers in yoga last night (and that's really where i store my emotional blech).

either way. i have open hips and i love everything. playin' outside playin' outside playin' outside here i goooooooo

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