and this is called "waves of wonder". at this point, most people present lost patience with our slow internet connection and started taking their world to the next level. you'll see:

and here are the paint-along interpretations:

it's our world!...and my cat is real cute. and he plays the kazoo.

i will be doing this a lot more often. probably more by myself, or with just a few other people, or with more wine in me.
other than that, i'm preparing for a giant cleanse of body and soul. starting on easter, right after "naked girls reading." i will be healthy and stop drinking and get rid of all of my vices at once...and go to yoga and meditate and be extra, extra nice and loving to all people everywhere. i'm also going to do this crazy liver/gallbladder cleanse that dustin told me about that involves epsom salt, olive oil, lemon juice, and "pooping like a goose" to get all my gallstones out and improve my bile flow. doesn't that sound magical? plus, i'm going to work on my rollerskating skillz so i can start skating to work. i will keep my room tidy and finally do my taxes and send out all those letters that i wrote on my typewriter.
i will, however, keep eating aloha sliders from the marination mobile that parks outside of work on wednesdays. it's really why i go to work on wednesdays. mmmlllllrrrrrrgggggg (sounds of delicious)...