06 December 2009


the other night my heart started twitching. or palpitating? i'm not really sure. it was like a surge of blood through my heart every once in a while, like those electric power surges where all the lights get bright all the sudden. webmd symptom checker says it could be excessive caffeine use, cocaine abuse, a vitamin b12 deficiency, pseudohypoparathyroidism, or an acute stress reaction. or 15 other things.

anyway, it stopped. then my eye started twitching. do you know what causes that? stress. fatigue. nervous system disorders.

it got really cold here. there was frost on everything yesterday. and a strange fog. i took the bus, which slid all over the road. we were going under the aurora bridge and the bus driver said, "if you look to your left, you see a bridge going nowhere." it just disappeared into the fog. everyone looked to their left and made grunting noises. "hmm. eh. isn't that something."

my feet hurt like hell. webmd symptom checker says that possible causes are: dancing in heels for five hours straight last night.

a personal record, and something i won't ever do again.

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