02 November 2009

step into the light

things that have happened fairly recently:

-idil laughed at me for having the washington litter report number programmed in my phone. i didn't do this because i intend to rat someone out...i was just curious about how it worked. i thought you called in when you saw someone throw a hamburger wrapper on the ground to describe their clothing and whereabouts, and i wondered how that would do any good at all...apparently i'm thinking too much like a pedestrian. this number is for drivers to call when they see other drivers litter:
Citizens who witness littering acts can call the hotline and report basic information such as date, time, location, objects thrown, the license plate of the vehicle, and a description of the vehicle.
well then. i will delete that number.

-my bus got pulled over while i was riding it. there was only me, the driver, and some yuppie business man with a briefcase and a hunger for drama. the bus was maneuvering around this big truck blocking the bus zone on a narrow one way street and was ticketed by a grumpy old cop with sunglasses on a cloudy day and a white handlebar mustache for "not looking before he pulled away from the bus zone." they were talking outside the bus and the whole time dramatic business man was trying to open the window to listen to their conversation and looking at me with wide eyes saying, "whoaaaa. whooaaaaaa, can you BELIEVE this? whoaaaa." he never got the window open. but we sat on the bus for 15 minutes while the city wrote a ticket for the city. the driver asked for our contact information as eyewitnesses in case he contests the ticket. traffic court may be in my future.

-the kitten continues to piss in the same place over and over again. even after i threw out all the furniture and blankets he had sprayed before, hauled a futon across town, and doused everything with vinegar, baking soda, and febreze. i'm not that surprised...but i had hoped things would be different this time. well, his ballz are getting chopped off tomorrow so hmmph. they also have fleas. before we attempt the bath, we're using a flea comb which has been a gross, fascinating hobby for me for the past two days. it's disgustingly satisfying. if you've ever used one, you'll know what i mean.

-amy is back in town for a hot second...we've been lazing around the house, biking for cupcakes, and making earrings shaped like vaginas. :)

-i have been surprised to find out that more than two people read my blog. huh. do you read my blog?


Katrina said...

I do indeed!

Renai said...


My word verification word is "vulavil" hmmmm vulva?

larissa said...

i don't.

wait. yes, yes i do. as evidenced by this uninteresting comment.

Gary said...

me, too.

Shana said...

I also do. I think you knew. But I wanted the Internets to know.

Beeswax said...

I read in batches. Catching up on October and November right now!