12 October 2009

crunchy leaves make fall autumn

well, now my hair is bright red. i didn't quite plan on it. we dyed it blonde first, so the brown part of the auburn that i was supposed to provide didn't happen.

everyone says they love it. really, everyone. even the save the children canvassers in front of pcc. i guess you have to say things like that when someone's hair is bright red. but not so enthusiastically, you know? when you "oh my god love it! love! it!" sooo much, that's when i get skeptical.

i mean, i don't love it that much. i love it kind of like i love my romper and my tutu and my velvet shrug and my gold lamé pants and the way i dance: in a sincere, but ridiculous sort of way...in a costumey sort of way (but different than a costume. more real).

i've always been bad at taking compliments. but especially when i think they are unnecessary and/or false. i'm just a skeptic.

other than my hair, not much has changed. shana and i picked the cutest lil' pumpkin on bainbridge today. i want to fill it with beer, then i want to make it into pie.

i had my work review. but we're in a pay freeze so that doesn't mean much except for an hour's worth of awkwardly listening to compliments.

ying visited and my soul feels better than it did. we danced, ate lots of foods, and played boggle in the park. she kicked my ass at boggle, which i probably deserved for making her ride all over the g.d. city on my clunky 'ol schwinn.

i recently learned that up to 21% of women who have natural labors might be orgasming during birth.

i took tk to the vet. while i was waiting i listened to the receptionist call patient after patient saying, "hi, this is cathy. just wanted to remind you of cosmo's teeth cleaning tomorrow" and "looking forward to seeing schnuggums for her annual feces screening and toenail trimming next week..." things that make me not want to go to the vet anymore.

....does anyone else get scared that they're becoming a boring grown-up?

1 comment:

Renai said...

I like being a grown up. And I know lots of people think I'm boring now. But I'm not bored. That counts for something, right?

Can we go on a ferry bike trip soon?