23 September 2009

here we go again

i should have known that mercury was in retrograde again. all signs pointed to yes, so i looked it up, and it is. so there you have it; it can't just be in my brain, the chaos can't just be from my anticipation and looking extra hard for things going wrong.

i finally investigated it after our computer system at work crashed twice, my coworker told her she felt like everyone was annoyed at her and just couldn't communicate clearly, our bags are on backorder, and we had to redo 428 wine kits because of a misprint in the literature. yup, til september 29.

i've been acting strangely, too. doing things i've never done. i got my hair cut on sunday (not that you can tell). at a real place. when i went running yesterday i put one sock and one shoe on, and then the other sock and the other shoe.

mercury in retrograde and the cocorosie show i went to last week. that's why everything is weird.

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