after a ridiculously long week, my weekend has become the weekend i always fantasize about, wherein i sit around on my ass, splurge on massages, walk around naked at a spa i have all to myself, sleep in, yoga occasionally, write letters to my friends, and take phat naps.
it feels so wonderful to have two days that are mine, mine, mine.
especially after a week like that. oof. i fucked up a lot, i think. i counted the cash wrong and paid a bill late and hurt someone's feelings (well, only one that i know about) and the neighbors left us a mean, passive aggressive note. and probably i fucked up in other ways i don't even know about yet.
additionally, i miss a lot of people. that's normal i guess, but i've been getting these strong, physical pangs that start in my chest and stab into my gut.
and i dropped my phone in the rain. overnight in a bag of rice seemed to make it okay though. i wish everything could be fixed so easily.

1 comment:
Do they neighbors get any points for writing the note on staff paper? Are they musicians?
Sorry about your. Good for your rice fix, though. That was smart. Do you remove the battery and let it sit separately?
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