straight from the airport we drove an hour and a half to a chain restaurant called noodles & co. in some depressing-as-hell suburb of columbus because this kid i graduated with who is both creepy and weird works there and my dad is obsessed with creepy/weird kid and wishes he was his son. he was way more excited to see this guy than he was to see me. so an hour and a half fresh off the plane i'm sitting in an overly air-conditioned fast food noodle restaurant, holding hands with shane and my sister while my dad prays over our penne (may it nourish our bodies and our souls).
the way home was flat flat flat...field after field, amish buggy after amish buggy. it's kind of beautiful, actually. the wide open spaces. you can see it raining miles away, which is amazing if you've never seen that. we didn't talk much. my dad just fussed over his damn gps and muttered at the woman in that little box giving him directions. he was mad because he knewn a better way. gps should know the best way. (why do you need gps if you already know the best way?). every once in a while we'd drive past a farm and someone would say: "oh becca, you remember joe-bob. you know, mary-anne's brother? he graduated a year after you? he moved to that house right there with his new wife. he's working at the bank now, but he's joining the army soon."

and that's pretty much all i've done. aside from eating at this fantastic all-you-can-eat buffet with mediocre/low quality food. mostly meat dishes. but i love me a salad bar.
there are some good things. i've gone to the giant salvation army thrift store. and to the drive in. my mom's been pretty nice. and my little sister is so grown up and funny and smart. as long as i can tune out my dad's assholishness, it's not so bad.

the nativity collection in my house:

jesus is everywhere.

the mannequin, sheila.

and finally, a gem from salvation army.

They keep the nativity stuff out year round now? How long have they done that? I never notice because I'm only there at Christmas now. Part of me wants to join you to hang out with Claudia. Then your blog reminded me why I rarely visit. Please keep updating. For some reason, it comforts me to know I made the right decision to live here. And i'll be glad to help you cope. How long are you there?
This made me want to hug you.
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