26 January 2009


oh. my. lord. hello, resolution #2: investigate paranormal activity in seattle. who knew? check out the part about the lock-in. yes, a ghost lock-in with alexander, the poker ghost. also, please note that the seattle museum of the mysteries is home to seattle's only oxygen bar. this just seems too good to be true.

my own ghost story: i had heard that theo chocolate had a ghost. a lot of weird shit happened in that building before theo inherited it. it was built in 1905 as a trolley barn...and there is an underground tunnel connecting theo to a nearby business (which i have yet to explore...).

that said: in the tour room, there are two rows of folding chairs, which often get pushed around throughout the day, as the room is sort of a central hub for staff traffic. about two weeks ago i was setting up my tour and i noticed that one chair in the middle of the back row was turned backwards, facing the south wall. it seemed random, but i figured someone was just too lazy to push it back where it belonged. so i turned it around and continued to prepare my tour. ten minutes later i walked back through the room and the same chair was turned around. the rest were all in order. weird...so today i walked through the room while another tour was on the factory floor and noticed that the same chair was turned around facing the back wall. i returned the store and told my coworker to go look at the chair without giving him any context. when he came back, he said, "weird. that exact chair has been turned around like that before. i've seen it."

possible explanations:
1. someone is playing a joke on me.
2. someone has a logical reason for moving the chair...hmmph.
3. poltergeist.

i vote for #3. but i'll keep you posted.

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