12 June 2008


just a few things:

this week has been a whirlwind.

today ibrihim said he hated me. he is seven, yes, but with his mother there screaming at him in somali, i felt embarrassed for both of us. i have rarely seen her so angry. the only words i could understand were: becca, seattle, stupid, and hug her. three minutes later, he and i were talking houseboats and goldfish, sitting on back door stoop.

i am trying to come to terms with the fact that i have friends who are married, pregnant, and homeowners. i don't know what a mortgage is. i have no idea. i didn't know whether or not pregnant women can ride bikes (yes, apparently). we've all been together, right in sync with society's schedule...up until this point. now i am having moments of panic because i'm scared we will stop understanding each other and become isolated in our own worlds. that won't happen, right? right?

here's the thing. things that are currently occupying my thoughts (besides being lonely and being a terrible friend): finding a part time minimum wage summer job and the free tattoo i'm getting on saturday. ha! i could just as easily be a high schooler.


Briana said...

Becca I totally agree with you on the point about your friend asll entering different phases of life and wondering what you will have in common with them soon. I still live with my parents and dont have the slightest clue what it would be like to raise a child let a lone have one. The trend that i see happen is that people loose touch and dont becaome close again till after they have kids because then all they will be able to talk about it there kids and that will be the only relatable factor!! That scares me because there is more to lfe then your kides lives. You can beconsumed to the point where you dont have a life outside of yoru family.

Unknown said...

Hi, i'm a new visitor to your blog (via Jenell)and i just wanted to say i can relate alot to your fears of what will happen to your friendships when you all enter different life phases. You are not alone and being aware and knowing what you want out of life and the relationships i think is a good first step in the right direction towards fulfillment.
peace be with you