i've caught my first texas cold!
leslie was sick earlier this week, and it was pretty much inevitable. which means this weekend i'm not able to do either of the things i had planned on doing: drink beer or go to a birth. not at the same time, obvs. but, alas, here i am, sitting amidst a dirty pile of tissues with only one more season of battlestar galactica left to watch.
the only consolation is that we finally got a netipot. it's something i've been meaning to do for a few years now, and i'm not sure why i haven't because it's the most satisfying thing ever! i want to do it all the time, and i plan on doing it even when i'm done being sick. i love shit like that! why haven't i used one before?!
life has been picking up. i'm already busy and somewhat sleep-deprived, which i see as a sign of building a healthy social life, yes? i've been making friends with some of my co-workers, and we've met some pretty swell people lately. i actually went dancing saturday and sunday night last week. yeah, that's right. and the sunday night dance party was at a vegan bakery doughnut party. larissa and liz b, we're gonna get you some goood vegan doughnuts when you come to visit. now that we've found quality vegan doughnuts, i think we can finally settle in here.
speaking of delicious food, thanksgiving is next week! in addition to my baby sister turning 17 years old, it means to break out the casserole dishes and the 'ol church cookbook. it means i need to stock up on sour cream, cheddar cheese, cream of mushroom soup, and crushed cornflakes: the staples for any decent midwest hotdish.
i planned on having our own 'lil tofurkey dinner here, but it turns out that we're actually getting invited places. whaaaa? our neighbors invited us next door, and described the menu in graphic detail. i'm pretty sure everything had bacon in the ingredients list, except for the turkey, but the thought was nice. also, my mom's childhood friend apparently lives in san antonio and keeps calling to invite me to dinner. it's a sweet gesture, but it makes me feel awkward all over. thanksgiving at a stranger's house? a stranger that may or may not know i'll be bringing my girlfriend and probably does not know what line of work i'm in? no thanks. so not all the invitations are super desirable, but it feels nice to be thought of anyway. i plan on fresh squeeze mimosas in the morning with our backyard neighbor, and some thanksgiving party hopping, hopefully resulting in either karaoke or a food coma.
in other news, i finally found some train conductor stripey pants. every time i go into a thrift store, i look for these pants. i've wanted them for years and years, ever since i outgrew some pink and white oshkoshbgosh overalls in third grade. finally, after a 16 year search, they are mine. ha! also, i found six amazing vintage hats, all feathery and nettingy. i tried them all on, but only allowed myself to buy two. now, i just need occasion to wear all these things. somebody throw a 40s costume party! i've got an outfit waiting to happen.

i have nothing else to report. back to hulu and cleansing my nasal passages.