here's my summary of 2010: a pretty intense year, with a lot of difficult, intense things, and a few really amazing, redeeming happenings.
difficult things:
- the beginning of urban family scatter/my friends start getting eaten by law school and other adulty things that threaten to snatch them away from me
- coming out to my family...and them pretending it never happened...
- having my job consume my life, and possibly parts of my soul (they may never grow back)
- being with oliver while he died
- my mamaw's health
- my urban family an d how much i love them and they love me
- coming out to my family...finding that i have some surprise allies
- quitting my job (hellz yeah, this is officially happening in less then a month!)
- being in love with the cutest 'lil taurus there ever was
- attending three births

in the hours that followed were not sober. we danced and grinned until dawn. yes, until dawn.
and here we are!!
i suppose resolution time is past due. i'm not going to bother analyzing my progress on last year's list, as is my usual tradition. i did some shit, and i didn't do some shit. the shit i didn't do that i still want to do will rollover to this year's list. deal? deal.
i started a list on the typewriter and here it is:
1. fix my bike (this means: replace stolen handlebars)
2. learn to make cheese (and this is also happening next week!)
3. can or pickle something
4. fix the button on those jeans i've been holding on to for 2 years
5. go to portland
6. go somewhere i've never been
7. go to yoga. don't stop going to yoga
8. learn something about gardening
9. learn to use power tools
10. finish my doula certification
oh, yeah, there: a nice, round list. oh, and find a job. i really gotta find a job. and probably start reading books that are neither re: childbirth or young adult fantasy fiction. and also, go back to the rainforest. yes.
good enough?
i think i'm in for a year to remember. the universe is surely shifting...