i was driving my former housemate's prius (which i never did in real life; yikes! it was named 'space car' and i am terrified to touch nice things). she was the passenger. two roads diverged and i did not choose the one less traveled. the one that every other car was driving on was a GIANT-ASS HILL like this, only a thousand times bigger and steeper:

so steep and it went on forever and ever. and the hill had hills. i was afraid we couldn't do it, but hell, it's space car.
so i stepped on the gas and we followed the cars up giant-ass hill. the little hills on the big hill became like ramps and soon all the cars were flying through the air and landing back on the road.

so steep and it went on forever and ever. and the hill had hills. i was afraid we couldn't do it, but hell, it's space car.
so i stepped on the gas and we followed the cars up giant-ass hill. the little hills on the big hill became like ramps and soon all the cars were flying through the air and landing back on the road.
that is until we did NOT land back on the road. at some point all the cars fell off and into the water below. no one was hurt. it was so ridiculous i think we might have even been laughing. just bobbing up and down in the water all bewildered...me thinking about how i would be in debt for the rest of my life, etc.

anyway, take a stab at that if you want.
not having a computer at home is a blessing and a curse. really. so what have i been up to this past month...?
well, i think we can all agree the past 30 days or so has been the tigeriest month in year of the tiger thus far. a real roller coaster, etc. personally, i haven't done most of those things i said i was gonna do in the last post to better myself. i went the mischief route and boy am i glad i did.
i have, however, cried a lot lately. that should have been one of my goals so i could check it off the 'ol list. cried 'cause liz left us (miss you miss you miss you!), cried 'cause i read a sad book, cried 'cause i was pmsing while reading said book, and 'cause i wanted to quit my job: you know, the usual things that people cry about. i'm straying far away from the bi-annual bawling. perhaps the tragic new year tear explosion was a good catalyst...maybe it started melting my heart of stone. huh.
and all the crying happened in the midst of pride, my best birthday ever (i got roller skates!!!), the liz move, my long weekend trip to explore the queer scene of minneapolis, and me getting sick yet again.
so here i am. in the middle of seattle non-summer (this is not summer). being all unsettled and unsure of my next move. fantasizing about the future, mostly being depressed about the present.
hmm...let's see what life has been like through the most recent images on my picture phone:
my big news of the month is that when liz left, she kindly sold me here mattress, so for the very first time in my whole entire life, i have a grown-up size bed!! seriously! it's so exciting! i want to be on it alllll the time.
and i was able to donate old twin mattress to a good cause:
oh, look what i saw at the grocery!:

really? antioxidant?! really? is this legal??
k, now this is what megan recently did this to me and it ended up being my new favorite thing ever: she took her fresh warm out of the dryer laundry and dumped it all over my lucky body!!! wow! bliss! heaven! why didn't anyone tell me about this before??

lastly, less recently, just for nostalgia, we have the last moment i remember being at peace. peace that rivals the bliss of being covered in a pile of clean, warm clothes:
not a bob ross painting folks, but the hoh-freakin'-rainforest. sometime in january. watching the salmon spawn.

anyway, take a stab at that if you want.
not having a computer at home is a blessing and a curse. really. so what have i been up to this past month...?
well, i think we can all agree the past 30 days or so has been the tigeriest month in year of the tiger thus far. a real roller coaster, etc. personally, i haven't done most of those things i said i was gonna do in the last post to better myself. i went the mischief route and boy am i glad i did.
i have, however, cried a lot lately. that should have been one of my goals so i could check it off the 'ol list. cried 'cause liz left us (miss you miss you miss you!), cried 'cause i read a sad book, cried 'cause i was pmsing while reading said book, and 'cause i wanted to quit my job: you know, the usual things that people cry about. i'm straying far away from the bi-annual bawling. perhaps the tragic new year tear explosion was a good catalyst...maybe it started melting my heart of stone. huh.
and all the crying happened in the midst of pride, my best birthday ever (i got roller skates!!!), the liz move, my long weekend trip to explore the queer scene of minneapolis, and me getting sick yet again.
so here i am. in the middle of seattle non-summer (this is not summer). being all unsettled and unsure of my next move. fantasizing about the future, mostly being depressed about the present.
hmm...let's see what life has been like through the most recent images on my picture phone:
my big news of the month is that when liz left, she kindly sold me here mattress, so for the very first time in my whole entire life, i have a grown-up size bed!! seriously! it's so exciting! i want to be on it alllll the time.
and i was able to donate old twin mattress to a good cause:

really? antioxidant?! really? is this legal??
k, now this is what megan recently did this to me and it ended up being my new favorite thing ever: she took her fresh warm out of the dryer laundry and dumped it all over my lucky body!!! wow! bliss! heaven! why didn't anyone tell me about this before??

lastly, less recently, just for nostalgia, we have the last moment i remember being at peace. peace that rivals the bliss of being covered in a pile of clean, warm clothes: